Persian Rugs
Sourcing Service for
Creators of Timeless Interiors

Lie back and let us find the perfect ‘Handmade Persian Rug’ for your Project!

Vintage & Antique Persian Rugs

Timeless Elegance

Oba Gallery has launched in London, focusing on Sourcing one-of-a-kind Handmade Persian Rugs for creative individuals and design professionals in the UK Interiors Market.
We provide our clients exclusive access to a wide range of rare and high-quality handmade Antique, Vintage, & Bespoke rugs.

Don’t know how to Identify an Authentic Handmade Rug?

Don’t have enough Time & Resources to source the ideal piece?

We’ll design a road map and walk you through every step of the process.

If you design Luxurious and High-end interiors,
& are willing to;

Benefit from the Trade Prices

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